Moodboard and goals for August
In an effort to simplify and stay focused... I have decided to share some monthly goals. I find it extremely easy to get distracted and jump about from the different things I want to focus on... Could be email marketing, Instagram, eating healthy, socialising or a million other things that I decide is important.
So with the aim to foster a healthy, active and connected lifestyle this month my goals are.
Trip to Cradle Mountain
I love this place and generally like to go there a couple of times a year... Its only 1 1/2 hours from our home... So not to big of a hike for a Tasmanian. (Tasmanians are notorious for not wanting to travel to far... Guess we all have it pretty good in our own little areas). This year especially I would like to head up and see some snow... and have a wander and maybe a picnic with some hot soup and fresh sourdough.. (sounds pretty good don't you think?) Its amazing how a little snow changes the look and feel of a place..
Finish a Book
I have had a book on the go for a couple of months and I haven't taken the time to finish it... as I said distracted easily. Combine that with some cups of tea, lighting some candles, rain on the roof and somebody else cooking tea... I might just be in my happy place....
Eat More Veggies
This is one I can struggle with in winter (lunch and dinner)... I love salad... Like really love it... But in winter in Tasmania... Its not always the best option on a cold windy night...And I don't love 3 veg and meat (which one child loves)... though I do appreciate it sometimes... Just not every day of the week. So soups and Stirfrys are on the list. I have previously never been a massive soup eater.. But Im starting to really appreciate a good soup over the last year or 2.. My husband quite likes soup too so he is easily pleased with a big mug of tasty soup and the kids (Adult children) are old enough to get their own if they don't like it. ( I sound tougher that I really am). But I have been finding that making a regular weekly batch of soup is great for using up those veggies that are on the edge of being thrown to the chooks, provides a great quick lunch and can be really tasty and includes lots of veggies... So the aim for August is to add a pot of soup to the menu every week.
I would love to know your favourite soup.. I am also trying to step outside of my regular, safe, what I know that is easy pattern and try to discover some more flavours and add to the favourites list. So if you have a regular one you love.. I would really appreciated some pointers or a recipe.
Stay safe
xx Rachille